Be the Builder!


Build Your Dream Home!

You have been saving pictures from magazines and websites for years! Now is the time!

Make Your Home a Living Dream

You want to update your kitchen and baths, make your home more tech-savvy or user friendly, and invest in your current home!

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Can you Be The Builder?

Yes you can! And depending on how little help or guidance you choose to request, as the project continues, you can save even more money!





Oh Yes You Can!

Here is an example project breakdown:

Steps Advice/Guidance TEAM UP
1. Determine Budget for project Client Client
2. Site Meeting Client/Builder Client/Builder: We will determine what is needed for site & design prep
3. Soils test Client/Builder Builder orders soil study
4. Features list Client lists features in home Client/Advisor
5. Pre-cost projection Client/Builder prepare Excel report based on features Builder does cost projection report based on features
6. Design/Development Client with own designer or ours, with features list Builder will attend meetings with designer
7. Engineering for permitting Client hires & assists Engineer Builder will hire/assist Engineer
8. Bidding We will get bids for 80% of sub-contractor work Builder will meet for selections on all amenities for sub-contractors
9. Choosing sub-contractors Client collects subs insurances, proposals, and contracts Builder will have insurances, proposals & contracts, client will verify
10. Permitting Client submits plans to governing area Zoning If needed, Builder will go to Zoning for or with Client
11. Pre-construction Meetings Client Client
12. Break Ground Builder/Client prepare 3 phase building plan Builder/Client prepare building plan; Client signs sub proposals; all meet at site
13. Order Materials Client orders all materials Builder will set up ordering with vendors. Client will make final order and payments
14. Managing Costs Client manages with advice Builder reviews invoices before payment and helps manage costs
15. Change Orders Client negotiates with subs or vendors We help client evaluate/review all change orders
16. After Hours Calls For emergencies only We will use email for decisions/clarity
17. After permitting site visits 20-24 visits, including contractor meetings Builder/Client will attend at least 10X
18. Inspections by Zoning Client schedules inspections & schedules work We will schedule, attend & schedule work



You Did It!

Congratulations you have your Dream Home with "built in" equity, and you did it!

You will find that you know every inch of your property. You also know what quality materials and workmanship you have and how to maintain it without worry!

When your project is complete and friends ask, "Who was your builder?" You can confidently respond, "I am the builder"! Don't be surprised when they call you for advice!

Enjoy your "Happily Ever After"!

Contact us at:



About Us

I am a building contractor for residential and commercial projects. I have been building and remodeling for a variety of clients for over 20 years. But the one thing that was of most concern to all of them was the budget. We were always trying to stretch the dollars to get the most value.

I have found that if the client is willing to do some of the work themselves or recruit friends and family to help, then the budget stretches to include more items on the client's wish list.

Some clients had access to family or friends that were plumbers or electricians or who were designers. If these folks gave their services for free or at a reduced cost, then the money saved could be used elsewhere or it was saved as equity in the home.

So why couldn't client's save money by taking over some or many of the general contractors duties? Most clients do not have time or money to spend on getting my licenses and experience before they start their own project. But with some guidance from me they could benefit from my licenses and experience, at a reduced cost from what it would cost for me to be the sole supervisor of their project! Of course they can save some money, 10- 25% by doing some or many of the supervisory and decision making duties with me nearby to answer questions!

Get in touch!

We'd love to hear from you!

Email us today: